I’ve started work on a new PARADIGM SHIFT animated short!
Hey, everyone! It’s been pretty quiet on the PARADIGM SHIFT front since Restless Sleep came out last year. If you caught my last note, you’ll know it’s because I was hired to create a couple of animated pieces for the Storiaverse App. But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about Kate & Mike. Oh, no.
Over the last year, I’ve been laying the groundwork for a new, more ambitious project: PARADIGM SHIFT – Chinatown, which will bring the pivotal scene where Kate’s werewolf powers manifest to life in full-color animated glory!
And this month I crossed a major milestone—finishing the teaser trailer! Here’s a sneak peek:

Bigger is better!
PARADIGM SHIFT—Chinatown will by far the biggest, most complex animated project I’ve taken on to date. It will have it all—kung fu fights, chase scenes, a beautiful Chicago setting, a brand new soundtrack, and best of all—a full voice cast!
However, while I tackled Restless Sleep almost entirely on my own (with the exception of sound effects and a bit of assistance from some helpful interns), this time I’m assembling an actual team to help make this project a reality. Joining me will be:
- Sound Designer Alexander Danner, who helped me finish Restless Sleep
- A casting director who will find and direct our voice talent.
- A production assistant and social media manager to help me stay organized and in better communication during the project.
- Plus a couple of talented young freelancers who are helping me build 3D characters and sets in Blender, and help with compositing and finishing the animation.
We’ll be launching a Kickstarter to help fund the project later this fall. Stay tuned for details in the coming weeks as we rev things up. I can’t wait to share it all with you!
Let’s go!