Part Two: Agitation continues today with the next scene.
“I don’t know whether to hug you or shoot you.”
Part Two: Agitation continues today with the next scene.
“I don’t know whether to hug you or shoot you.”
Part Two: Agitation continues today with the next scene.
“I’ll take that, thank you.”
Part Two: Agitation continues today with the next scene.
“Better finish the job.”
These interior warehouse environments are patterned off of an old factory that was renovated into offices, where my friends’ business, Orbit Media Studios, was located.
Part Two: Agitation continues today with the next scene.
“I thought I smelled something…”
Whether or not an assault rifle round would knock Kate through the door across the hall remains open to debate. If it have been a 12-gauge shotgun, there would be no question. Clearly she has a good flak vest, though, or it would have gone right through her instead.